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Free online websites like microsoft word and zoho that has word art

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It is a small yet powerful free word processor software based on the Microsoft WordPad word processing engine built into Windows. AbhiWord processor is also available in portable format that does not require install. It supports all major document formats like Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, Open Document (), Office Open XML (MS Word 2007), RTF, HTML. It is very similar to MS Office in terms of looks and functionality.

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It is a handy and free alternative to Microsoft Office Word. It is also available in portable version. Using OpenOffice, you can open, create and edit Office files compatibility with different applications including Microsoft Office. It is ideal for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics, databases creation and management. It is a full Office suite very similar to MS Office. Incase you are looking for free alternative to perform tasks as done in MS Office, checkout following listing of free online and offline MS Office Word alternatives.įREE SOFTWARE ALTERNATIVES 1. It is a premium Microsoft products and comes with a price tag. It consists of number of useful applications like Word, Spreadsheet, Presentations and lots more. Microsoft Office is very popular and widely used productive suite.

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